The Ultimate Guide to Sell Products on Amazon FBA in 2023 (Pro Tips Included)

Welcome to the ultimate guide on how to successfully sell products on Amazon FBA! 

With Amazon being the largest online retailer in the world, tapping into this massive customer base can lead to reaching millions of potential customers. Amazon FBA offers numerous benefits that can streamline your business operations and increase sales while providing access to Amazon Prime's loyal customer base. 

Let’s learn more about it!

The Impact of Amazon's Dominance

Before learning how to sell products on Amazon, it's important to recognize the significant impact Amazon has on the e-commerce landscape. 

  • Two out of three American consumers shop on Amazon, with many being loyal Prime members. 
  • Moreover, a whopping 63% of U.S. consumers begin their online product search on Amazon, and more than half would choose Amazon if they could only buy products from one store. 
  • As of 2021, Amazon accounted for 50% of U.S. e-commerce spending and held 38% of the market share, solidifying its position as a significant player in the industry.
  • Even during challenging times, such as a global pandemic and economic threats, Amazon and e-commerce continue to thrive, with 57% of U.S. consumers making weekly purchases on Amazon and 18% shopping on the platform 2-3 times a month.

To sell on Amazon FBA, this e-commerce platform offers a range of benefits for its sellers. Not only can it improve your product rankings and visibility on the platform, but Amazon's search algorithm also favors products sold through FBA, leading to higher search rankings and increased customer visibility. 

Additionally, Amazon FBA enables sellers to expand their international sales effortlessly. By leveraging FBA, sellers can quickly and efficiently sell products on Amazon in multiple countries without having to manage international shipping and customs clearance. Amazon takes care of these aspects, allowing sellers to focus on growing their business.

Now, let's dive into the comprehensive guide on optimizing your Amazon selling journey. We'll provide you with step-by-step instructions and pro tips to ensure your success on the platform.

Create an Amazon Seller Account

Creating an Amazon Seller Account is a straightforward process that allows you to start selling your products on Amazon's vast marketplace. To get started, visit the Amazon Seller Central website and click on "Register now." 

You must sign in with your existing Amazon account or create a new one. Provide your business information, including legal name, address, and phone number. 

To complete your registration, make sure you have the following information ready: 

  • Bank account number and bank routing number for payments. 
  • A chargeable credit card for Amazon's selling fees and other charges. 
  • A government-issued national ID for identity verification. 
  • Tax information to comply with tax regulations. 
  • A valid phone number for communication purposes.

Please note that the eligibility for seller registration may vary by country, so check Amazon's official website to confirm whether your country is eligible for selling on their platform. Once you have all the necessary information, follow the registration process to start your journey as an Amazon seller and tap into the massive customer base the platform offers.

How To Sell On Amazon FBA

Selling products on Amazon through FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) is a proven and efficient method to access a vast customer base and boost sales. To get started, follow these steps:

1. Create an Amazon Seller Account and Enroll in FB

Begin by setting up an Amazon Seller account. Once you have an account, enroll in the FBA program to take advantage of its benefits, such as streamlined fulfillment and access to Amazon Prime customers.

2. Choose Your Products and Create Listings

Now that you are ready to showcase your products on Amazon and reach millions of potential customers, it’s time to follow these step-by-step instructions to create a compelling product listing on Amazon Seller Central:

  • Click on "Add a Product" and search for the product you wish to sell. If the product already exists in Amazon's catalog, you can select it and proceed. However, if your product is unique or not yet listed, click "Create a new product" to start a fresh listing.


💡 Pro Tip: Utilize data-driven insights to identify top-performing products and focus on scaling them further.

  • Ensure you provide accurate and complete information for your product. Key details include the product name, brand, manufacturer, and a detailed product description highlighting its unique features and benefits.
  • Carefully consider your pricing strategy to remain competitive in the market while ensuring profitability. Next, choose the shipping options you wish to offer to customers.
  • Images play a crucial role in enticing customers, so upload high-quality product images that showcase your product from various angles. Additionally, provide essential information such as product dimensions, weight, and other relevant specifications.
  • Specify the number of units you have available for sale and choose your preferred fulfillment method. You can either fulfill orders yourself or leverage Amazon's Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) service for efficient order processing. 
  • Double-check all the information you've provided for accuracy and completeness. Ensure that your product listing adheres to Amazon's guidelines to avoid any issues with approval.
  • Once you're satisfied with the listing, click "Save and finish" to submit your product listing for Amazon's approval. After approval, your product will be live and available for sale on Amazon.

💡 Pro Tip: Optimize for Search Engines and Customer Conversion.

To maximize your product's visibility and attract potential customers, optimize your product listing using targeted keywords and compelling content. Conduct thorough keyword research to identify popular and relevant search terms your target audience uses. Incorporate these keywords strategically into your product title, bullet points, and description.

Additionally, focus on creating a persuasive and customer-centric product description that addresses customer pain points and highlights your product's unique value. High-quality product images are essential in building trust and enticing customers to purchase.

By following these steps and implementing optimization techniques, you can create a successful product listing on Amazon, positioning your products for increased visibility and sales potential.

Your Amazon Selling Success Awaits! 

Congratulations! You're now equipped with the knowledge and pro tips to make the most of selling on Amazon FBA. 

Remember, success on Amazon requires continuous learning and adaptation, so stay updated with the latest trends and strategies to stay ahead in the ever-evolving online marketplace. 

If you have any questions or need further assistance on your Amazon selling journey, we're here to help! Feel free to contact our expert team to unleash the full potential of your Amazon business. Don't miss this opportunity to thrive in the world of e-commerce - start selling on Amazon FBA today! 

Contact us here to get personalized support and skyrocket your Amazon sales, and let's elevate your business together!



Amit Bhaskar


Team | AMZ Pro

Amit is the co-founder of AMZPro. He has been helping businesses succeed on Amazon since 2014. He also holds a lot of certifications from Amazon like ATES (Amazon Trained Ecommerce Specialist) & Amazon Ads Expert. He has worked with 100s of small & medium businesses around the world so as to make their Amazon dream come true. He is also a big believer of e-commerce & believes that soon the world will shift to mostly ecomm from mostly retail (brick & mortar stores) as of now. He also loves hiking & off-roading.

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