亚马逊宣布 2023 年将斥资 2 亿美元用于其整个运输网络的安全技术。
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亚马逊运输副总裁 Udit Madan 最近宣布,亚马逊将斥资 2 亿美元用于其运输网络的安全技术。潜水见解:
此外,他们还大力投资路线规划导航系统和预测分析软件,以更好地监控车队安全,所有这些都嵌入到移动技术 Relay 中。
报告还表明,该公司通过 2020 年在美国推出亚马逊品牌送货车,事故率降低了 35%。
此外,亚马逊送货车还配备了 360 度摄像头检测系统,使司机可以轻松观察旁边的情况。
该公司还将开始在其卡车车队中实施一项尖端的新安全功能,该功能使用数字后视镜摄像头技术来减少盲点并提高其顶级卡车的总体安全性。这项技术可将追尾事故减少多达 30%。
该公司对其进展和即将在 2023 年进行的投资感到兴奋。亚马逊表示,该公司将继续投资和发明,以确保他们的送货车、卡车、拖车和司机是道路上最安全的。

Amit Bhaskar
Team | AMZ Pro
Amit is the co-founder of AMZPro. He has been helping businesses succeed on Amazon since 2014. He also holds a lot of certifications from Amazon like ATES (Amazon Trained Ecommerce Specialist) & Amazon Ads Expert. He has worked with 100s of small & medium businesses around the world so as to make their Amazon dream come true. He is also a big believer of e-commerce & believes that soon the world will shift to mostly ecomm from mostly retail (brick & mortar stores) as of now. He also loves hiking & off-roading.